In the year ended June 2020,
1 in 9 children
lived in NZ households reporting material hardship.
New Zealand has the
One of the highest youth suicide rates
in the OECD
Rates of school bullying in New Zealand are
among the worst worldwide.
The 'Insert Coin to Play Charitable Trust' exists to provide easier access to technology and social opportunities for children, teenagers and young adults of New Zealand.
An explanation of Insert Coin, from our Trust Members:
Our highest priority, is to provide modern solutions to assist to reduce social isolation and youth suicide by facilitating social opportunities for young people, situated around digital and technological trends as they develop, and in particular:
• Acquire sophisticated multi-player video gaming equipment,
and to use that equipment to host gaming events and competitions promoting face to face interaction in a controlled and safe place between similarly aged peers and encouraging the creation of friendships between them.
• Empower and enable disadvantaged persons of all ages by providing opportunities to use new technology as it develops.
• Provide opportunities for young people to develop their social skills and experience through gaming, education and interaction.
• Mentor and assist young people in their preparation of business investment proposals to better facilitate business investment opportunities and the potential match of businesses with business investors.
• Provide opportunities and forums for young people to meet and to interact on issues of current relevance to them.
• Provide an opportunity for members of the community generally experiencing financial hardship to meet and interact with peers in a controlled and safe environment.
• Advocate on behalf of eSports as a tool for use in promotion of social development in young people and the community generally.
Contact Us:
Insert Coin To Play Charitable Trust
Invercargill, Southland
New Zealand
Email: insertcoin@insertcoin.co.nz
Phone: 027 333 9452